viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

Lesson VI. A Short Reading With "Tengo", "Tienes", "Tiene".


1. Para                    = for, to, in order to...
2. Porque                = because
3. muy                    = very (talking about some quality)
4. mucho                = a lot, a big amount (talking about some quantity)*
5. Entonces            = then
6. Pedir                   = to ask for; pedirle = to ask him or her for...
7. Chico or chica    = little or small. In the case of the reading, someone that is very young.

[*Attention!: in Spanish you cannot say "muy mucho", as a translation of "very much"].

Reading: The Silly Conversation.

One day I was talking with a friend of mine, and I told him: "No tengo zapatos, necesito ir a la tienda".

My friend didn't believe me and asked me again, in disbelief: "¿No tienes zapatos?"

Then he tried to show off and told me "mi mamá tiene muchos zapatos".

He kept going and asked: "¿Tienes dinero para comprar zapatos?"

I answered him: "No, no tengo dinero"

He believes he is wise, so he told me: "Necesitas trabajar para tener dinero". Then he realized it was a silly remark and asked "¿Puedes trabajar?"

I told him: "No, no puedo trabajar porque soy muy chica".

So, he said: "Entonces tienes que pedirle dinero a tu mamá o a tu papá", and asked "¿Tu papá tiene dinero?"

It was my turn to show off and I told him: "Sí, mi papá tiene mucho dinero".


1. What is the English word for tienda?
2. Why do we change the verb from "tengo" to "tienes" and "tiene"?
3. The conversation is between:
    a) Two boys.
    b) Two girls.
    c) One boy and one girl.

domingo, 26 de enero de 2014

Lesson V. Practice Expressions With "Tengo", "Necesito", "Debo", etc.

Here you have a Power Point presentation with some vocabulary and simple exercises with "tengo", "necesito", "debo", and so on. You can expand the presentation to view it on the whole screen. Enjoy!

viernes, 17 de enero de 2014

lunes, 13 de enero de 2014

Lesson III: The Legend of the Three Kings.

Legend of the Three Kings.

This is a story based in real life. The real facts are those mentioned in the Gospel (Matthew 2:1-12) Different cultures and traditions have added other facts that stir the imagination of children of all ages. Here we go...

Once upon a time, far far away...

Había una vez, en un país lejano...

Please, find at the top the Slideshare presentation. Set it in a full screen mode. Sorry all the nice effects of the original are lost. (Like the "notice" boxes don't enter smoothly, the answers to the questionnaire are there, instead of entering one by one, etc. By the way, before turning the page from the questionnaire to the answers, make sure you have your own answers written).

sábado, 11 de enero de 2014

Lesson II: Review of the Basic Question Words and Possessive Pronouns.

Objective: The students will be able to use the basic question words in simple phrases in Spanish.

Activity: Study the vocabulary and answer the questionnaire.

Evaluation: The student should be able to answer the questionnaire.


1. ¿Qué? (pronounce "Keh") = What?

2. ¿Cómo? = How?

3. ¿Quién? (pronounce "Kee-ehn") = Who?

4. ¿Cuántos? = How many?

5. Mi = my

6. Tu = your

7. Su = his, or her

8. Nuestro = our

Questionnaire: According to the chart provided in Lesson I,

1. ¿Quién es el padre de mi padre? (Who is the father of my father?)

     Answer: Mi abuelo paterno.

2. ¿Quién es la madre de mi madre?

     Answer: __________________________.

3. ¿Quién es el hermano de mi mamá?

     Answer: __________________________.

4.  ¿Cuántas hermanas tiene mi mamá?

     Answer: ___________________________.

5. ¿Cuántos hermanos tiene mi papá?

     Answer: ___________________________.

Lesson I: Review of the Basic Vocabulary Related to the Family Members.

Objective: The students will be able to use the terms of the family relationships in simple phrases in Spanish.

Activity: Read and copy the provided family tree structure, study the vocabulary and answer the questions from the worksheet (in this case, where it says "Activity").

Evaluation: The student should be able to answer the questionnaire.