viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014

Lesson VIII. Conjugation of the Verbs Tengo, Necesito, Puedo, Debo

The previous reading showed different forms of the verb "tener":  No tengo zapatos (I don't have shoes); No tienes zapatos? (don't you have any shoes?) ; Mi mamá tiene muchos zapatos. (My mom has a lot of shoes). The reason we change the form of the verb is in order to make it fit the person. The person could be "yo" (myself), or "tú" (you), or "él" or "ella" (he or she).

The same as in English, we have to change the form of the verb to make it fit the person, like in the case of the verb "to be": I am, you are, he / she is, we are...

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