viernes, 31 de enero de 2014

Lesson VI. A Short Reading With "Tengo", "Tienes", "Tiene".


1. Para                    = for, to, in order to...
2. Porque                = because
3. muy                    = very (talking about some quality)
4. mucho                = a lot, a big amount (talking about some quantity)*
5. Entonces            = then
6. Pedir                   = to ask for; pedirle = to ask him or her for...
7. Chico or chica    = little or small. In the case of the reading, someone that is very young.

[*Attention!: in Spanish you cannot say "muy mucho", as a translation of "very much"].

Reading: The Silly Conversation.

One day I was talking with a friend of mine, and I told him: "No tengo zapatos, necesito ir a la tienda".

My friend didn't believe me and asked me again, in disbelief: "¿No tienes zapatos?"

Then he tried to show off and told me "mi mamá tiene muchos zapatos".

He kept going and asked: "¿Tienes dinero para comprar zapatos?"

I answered him: "No, no tengo dinero"

He believes he is wise, so he told me: "Necesitas trabajar para tener dinero". Then he realized it was a silly remark and asked "¿Puedes trabajar?"

I told him: "No, no puedo trabajar porque soy muy chica".

So, he said: "Entonces tienes que pedirle dinero a tu mamá o a tu papá", and asked "¿Tu papá tiene dinero?"

It was my turn to show off and I told him: "Sí, mi papá tiene mucho dinero".


1. What is the English word for tienda?
2. Why do we change the verb from "tengo" to "tienes" and "tiene"?
3. The conversation is between:
    a) Two boys.
    b) Two girls.
    c) One boy and one girl.

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